【お詫び】新製品発売延期のお知らせ / Putting off the first shipping date


■ステアリングジャイロREVOX 初回出荷日延期の経緯
4月11 日発表の新商品「ステアリングジャイロREVOX」につきましては、5月末の出荷に向けた準備を慎重に行ってまいりましたが、弊社製造委託先より現地ロックダウンの影響による製造遅延発生の連絡を受けるに至りました。


Announcement for Postponement of the launch of REVOX Gyro

In regard of the new product “Steering Gyro REVOX” announced on April 11, we have carefully prepared for shipment later this month, but our manufacturing contractor has caused a manufacturing delay due to the lack of the material influenced by local lockdown.

Although we announced that this product will be ready to ship at the end of May, taking into account the effects of the COVID-19 situation, but the real situation in the manufacturing area was beyond our prospect.

We will start the delivery date adjustment work with the manufacturing contractor, but at the moment, we would like to inform a new target date  as early July.
We apologize for the delay, despite the many orders we have received with your expectations. We look forward to your continued patronage of our products.
