Body Accessory
DB-PGR86【PANDEM GR86 ボディーセット 】¥10,500(税別)

FDJやD1GPでも大人気のPANDEM社製エアロをまとった GR86 を、1/10スケール RCボディーとしてモデル化しました。
製品にはウイングパーツとブラック塗装済みのカナード類、FLEX GTミラー(Type-B)、ステッカーも付属し、実車同様の迫力あるボディーがご堪能頂けます。
ボディーサイズはホイールベース257mm、全幅 フロント198mm / リア192mm、リア用の片側+3mmのオーバーフェンダーもサービスパーツとして付属します。
大迫力のエアロボディーの再現と作りやすさを兼ね備えた、PANDEM GR86を是非お試しください!
■全幅:フロント 198mm / リア 192mm
DB-PGR86【 PANDEM GR86 Body Set 】10,500 JPY
PANDEM-licensed GR86 Body Set is finally on sale in the end of February.
The GR86 equipped with the PANDEM aero, which is popular in FDJ and D1GP, has been modeled as a 1/10 scale RC body.
The body, which pursues both realism and ease of assembly, is molded using a slide mold to reproduce the front bumper, three-dimensional rear fender, and rear of the car in one piece. (Only the lower part of the rear bumper is separate)
The product also comes with wing parts, black painted canards, FLEX GT mirrors (Type-B), and stickers, so you can enjoy a body that is as impressive as the real car.
The body size is a wheelbase of 257mm, width in front 198mm / rear 192mm, and over fenders for the rear, +3mm on each side, are also included as the standard bundled.
Be sure to try out the PANDEM GR86, which combines the reproduction of a powerful aerodynamic body with ease of construction!
■Length: 440mm
■Width: Front 198mm / Rear 192mm
※Separately included 2mm and 4mm wide polycarbonate over fender parts on each side.
■Height: 114mm
■Wheelbase: 257mm
<Product details>
Clear body shell (integral molding), inner light parts, Wing parts, Flex GT Mirror, sticker sheet, masking sheet, instruction manual
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