【チーム情報】Team Rêve Dにアルバート選手とスティーブ選手が新加入!/ Albert Martinez & Steve Lee joined Team Rêve !

Team Rêve DにUSAの Albert Martinez 選手とSteve Lee選手の2名が新加入しました!
今後は米国における弊社のブランドアンバサダーとして、リーダーであるMikko Yang選手と共に競技会やイベントの主催、地元ユーザー様のサポートに邁進する2名の選手にご期待ください。

Two strong American drivers, Albert Martinez and Steve Lee, have joined Team Rêve D!

Albert is based in Los Angeles and Steve is based in Texas. Both drivers has been actively working in RC drift awareness and competition events.
As our brand ambassadors in the US, the two drivers will work with our leader Mikko Yang to participate in competitions and events to support our local users.
Rêve D will also consider hosting events in the US in the future to provide excellent support to our local customers.
