期間限定 受注生産商品 RJ-014W/K【フォージドカーボン製 ピットボード(ロゴ色ホワイト / ロゴ色無し)】¥36,000~35,000(税別)

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2025年3月31日までの期間限定 受注生産商品です。
サイズは横350mm×縦 400mmで、RCキャリーバッグの背面ポケットに収納可能な大きさです。
ラインナップはRêve Dロゴにホワイトで墨入れを施したバージョンと、ロゴの色無しバージョンの2種類をご用意致しました。
より精密なマシンのセットアップの実現と最高の所有感を両立する、期間限定 受注生産のフォージドカーボン製 ピットボードをこの機会に是非お試しください!

◆RJ-014W:フォージドカーボン製 ピットボード(ロゴ色ホワイト)¥36,000(税別)
◆RJ-014 K:フォージドカーボン製 ピットボード(ロゴ色無し)¥35,000(税別)
横:350mm / 縦:400mm

Limited time order made-to-order products RJ-014W/K【 Forged carbon Pit board (White logo / No logo color)】¥36,000~35,000(excluding tax)

This pit board is made of forged carbon, the same material used in recent years in high-end hyper cars from overseas and high-performance cars made in Japan.
Unlike conventional plain weave and twill carbon, this board is made by randomly laying carbon fiber, resulting in a luxurious marble pattern that is unique and never has the same pattern.
The pit board features three milled areas that can be used as parts trays for screws, small items  and with overall dimensions of 350mm wide x 400mm long it’s small enough to fit in the back pocket of an RC carry bag.
The lineup includes two types: one with the Rêve D logo inked in white, and one with no colored logo.
This is a limited-time, made-to-order forged carbon pit board that allows you to set up your machine more precisely and enjoy the ultimate sense of ownership.
Don’t miss this opportunity to purchase this limited-time, made-to-order forged carbon pit board!

※This product is manufactured by randomly laying carbon fiber, so the pattern varies from product to product.

◆RJ-014W :Forged Corbon Pit Board (White logo)¥36,000(excluding tax)
◆RJ-014K  :Forged Corbon Pit Board (No color logo)¥35,000(excluding tax)
<Product dimensions>
Width: 350mm / vertical: 400mm

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