D1-SS1AS【RDX用 R-tune スプリング オールセット】¥2,700(税別)

RDX用に専用チューニングを施した R-tune スプリング 3種類を、持ち運びや整理に便利な Rêve D オリジナル 専用BOX に入れたセットです!
スプリング長はRêve D史上最短の全長23mm、実ストローク内で最大限のパフォーマンスを発揮する為に極限までショート化。
車重や路面グリップに合わせて選べる RDX用 R-tune スプリングを是非お試しください!
◆D1-SS1S:RDX用 R-tune スプリング ソフト(2個入)
識別用 熱伸縮チューブ色:ブルー
◆D1-SSMH:RDX用 R-tune スプリング ミディアムハード(2個入)
識別用 熱伸縮チューブ色:イエロー
◆D1-SS1H:RDX用 R-tune スプリング ハード(2個入)
識別用 熱伸縮チューブ色:レッド
◆線間密着部 を下側にして使用した場合
◆線間密着部 を上側にして使用した場合
トラクションを高め、スロットル オン時の蹴り出しを強くします。
D1-SS1AS【RDX R-tune Spring All Set(with BOX )】 ¥2,700(excluding tax)
All set with 3 types of R-tune springs in a RêveD original BOX.
The new R-tune spring specially tuned for RDX car kit, which uses the amazing “SWO” material that has been proven in the R-tune series! By adopting a new “SWO” material and making it easier to induce initial subduction even at higher spring rates gives a strong kicking feeling and control performance are realized at a high level.
The spring length is 23mm, which is the shortest length in the Rêve D product.
By shortening the spring, it is possible to suppress the elongation of the suspension and apply the surface pressure to the tire stably both front and rear.
It can be used for both the front and rear, and the line-to-line contact structure, which is popular in the R-tune spring series, continues to be used.
By swapping the top and bottom of the spring, it is possible to instantly adjust according to the road surface conditions and driving skill.
Please try the R-tune spring for RDX that can be selected according to the vehicle weight and road grip!
<Included in the set>
◆D1-SS1S:RDX R-tune Spring Soft(2pcs.)
■ Length (natural length): 23mm
■ Number of turns: 7
■ Shrink tube color ID : Blue
◆D1-SS1MH:RDX R-tune Spring Medium Hard(2pcs.)
■ Length (natural length): 23mm
■ Number of turns: 6.25
■ Shrink tube color ID : Yellow
◆D1-SS1H:RDX R-tune Spring Spring Hard(2pcs.)
■ Length (natural length): 23mm
■ Number of turns: 6
■ Shrink tube color ID : Red
◆RêveD original BOX
<Introduction of 2WAY structure>
◆Contact lines Down
excessive suspension movement is suppressed and stability is increased on low grip surfaces.
Recommending for lowμP tiles and colored concrete setting.
◆Contact lines UP
feeling is stronger
Recommending for high μ P tiles and Carpets setting.