
RT-014【SPMチタン製 RS-ST PRO用 サーボケーススクリュー(4本入) 】¥1500(税別)

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軽量/高剛性なチタン素材を使用し、高精度なSPM加工(スーパー プレシジョン マシンカット)にて製品化したRS-ST PROサーボ専用のサーボケーススクリューです。

チタン素材の採用によるサーボ本体の軽量化はもちろん、高精度に切削加工されたスクリューを取り付ける事でRS-ST PROの持つ性能をより存分に発揮させます。
軽量化や性能の向上に貢献し、所有感も大幅にアップするSPMチタン製 RS-ST PRO用 サーボケーススクリューを是非ごお試しください!

RT-014【SPM Titanium Servo case screw for RS-ST PRO(4pcs.)】¥1,500(excluding tax)

This servo case screw is made of lightweight and highly rigid titanium material and manufactured by high-precision SPM processing (super precision machine cut) for RS-ST PRO servos.

Not only is the use of titanium material lightweight, but the use of highly precisely processed screws maximizes the performance of the RS-ST PRO.
The dress-up effect created by the beautiful finish is also not to be missed!
Be sure to try the RS-ST PRO servo case screw made from SPM titanium, which contributes to weight reduction and improved performance, as well as greatly improving your sense of ownership!

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